CA Dental Insurance, Need major dental work
Question: I have not been to the dentist since I was on my parents dental insurance plan, which has been some time now. I know I need dental work. I am not in any major pain or anything I just know that my teeth are not in good shape. I am not sure if I should get a dental insurance plan with its waiting period and yearly max limitations and do my dental services a little at a time. Or go for a dental discount plan for the dental saving and get my dental work done all at once. Which way in the long run would be cheaper?
Answer: It is a personal choice for you to make. As you know with most PPO plans you will have waiting periods and maxim limitations to deal with. As long as you fully understand the plans terms and conditions PPO plans are great dental insurance plans to stay with or choose your own dental provider. However, you may want to review a discount plan option if you do not want to have to wait for dental services. Also think in the long run when you have a lot of major dental services needed waiting for coverage’s to begin may not be the best option for your oral health